I entirely agree with you. Another tragedy occurred on the Côte-Nord a few weeks ago, reminding us how important this issue is. When we raise the subject with the government, we get a lot of talk about high-speed Internet access from Mr. Lauzon, the parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Rural Economic Development. We'll keep on trying to make the government aware of this because it's a very important safety issue.
Mr. Boulet, you mentioned the model associated with the Taxe sur l'essence et de la contribution du Québec program. What I understand from your remarks is that infrastructure funding must be granted soon and that there should be flexibility because, when you don't rely on that kind of model and approve projects on a piecemeal basis, only the major projects that help the major cities expand are approved, and there are a lot of delays.
My colleague Ms. Chatel discussed the rapid housing initiative, which is outlined in the budget and in the budget implementation bill.
Mr. Demers or Mr. Boulet, have you found that program useful?
Have you had a lot of projects approved under that program?