We don't have any current data. We use tax-filer data to generate our numbers, but there is a two-year lag in that data, unfortunately. We anticipate the rate of child poverty would decrease based on receiving CERB, which brought family incomes up. With these repayments and with benefits ending, we believe the numbers for this year will show a significant increase in the rate of child poverty again.
From the stories we're hearing and the qualitative information we get from families from coast to coast to coast, we know they are really struggling. Everything has increased. Groceries are increasing by $500 or $600 a month, along with gas prices, rent prices and clothing for children. We are hearing real stories of people struggling to get by. Rent moratoriums are being lifted.
Children in families that are struggling are very insecure right now. If this continues, we're going to see an increase in the rates of homelessness and homelessness for children. This is such a severe issue for families, right now, and it's a real struggle that needs to be addressed.