Thank you. I appreciate that answer.
You brought up agriculture. I certainly hear from farmers in my riding. They benefit from a deduction on the carbon levy with respect to diesel and regular gas, but when it comes to natural gas—which, by the way, is a lower-emitting fuel than regular fuel and diesel—the only offer from the government is a rebate in which they get about 20¢ on the dollar. In fact, I had a farmer in a neighbouring riding send me a bill showing $13,000 in carbon tax just for one month with respect to natural gas.
I'm not sure where the government thinks this money is coming from. It's from the pockets of a farmer, or not hiring an additional person. Most farmers are price-takers, but you also think about the upward pressure on prices and goods that we see. This cost ends up filtering through the system.
I certainly appreciate your comments with respect to the carbon tax.
I know there are a couple of other files that the CFIB follows fairly closely, and I certainly appreciate your comments on the fiscal situation. One of the things that we did not see any language on in the budget was credit card processing fees. There was a commitment made in 2019. There was a budget commitment in 2021. We haven't really heard much more on that. Can you give us an update on how things are going for your members in that area?