There are a couple of things that could be done.
One is creating a pathway to permanent residency for temporary foreign workers. That certainly is not a straight path right now. There are some sort of convoluted paths that you can take through the provincial nominee programs, for example. Having something more formalized that allows for this would be one thing.
Another thing is from some research we've done on the shortage of labour. Automation is becoming a more successful approach that businesses have undertaken to deal with the shortage of labour, so finding ways to provide incentives to allow them to invest more in automation could help to bridge some of the gaps in some of those areas that may be more difficult to fill.
On automation, I think a lot of smaller companies may not realize that this could be an option that could help them. We had about a third of our members using it, and I think close to 60% or 70% said that it was successful in helping them actually bridge some of their shortage of labour. I think that's an area that we need to explore more to figure out how we can potentially help smaller businesses address their shortages in labour through automation.