Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Again my questions are for the CFIB.
A media release on your website says, “April 1 saw an increase in carbon taxes, adding further unfairness to a tax regime that collects hundreds of millions from small businesses while returning next to nothing to them in rebates. Fuel and energy costs were viewed as the single biggest cost challenge facing small business and a process to return these desperately needed dollars to small businesses has yet to be created.”
I see a quote here from Mr. Kelly, who said, “CFIB will continue to lobby for a rebate program available to all small firms paying federal carbon taxes.”
Given that fuel and energy costs are huge cost challenges to Canadian small businesses, do you feel that it's time for the government to suspend the carbon taxes it's imposed on Canadian small businesses to offer relief, or at the very least offer an emergency rebate program to small firms being punished by the carbon tax? Please feel free to share your ideas on this matter.
Thank you.