I'm going to answer you and then I will turn the floor over to my colleague, Ms. Kozhaya, who will be able to give you more precise information.
First, the aerospace industry, in the present circumstances, after getting through some very difficult times, will obviously suffer the negative effects of that tax, particularly if we take into account international competition, which is very fierce. The two measures I mentioned in our brief presentation are inevitably going to cause a major cash flow problem for the aerospace sector and aircraft manufacturers in Canada.
Second, by raising the business use threshold for an aircraft to 90 per cent in order for it to be considered to be used for a commercial operation and not personal use, it will inevitably create a distortion in the market, when a 50 per cent threshold is used in other comparable sectors.
This is a somewhat general answer, but if I may, I'm going to ask my colleague, Ms. Kozhaya, to give you a fuller explanation in answer to the precise question you have asked.