There are, indeed, some examples of programming right now. There are many communities talking about healing centres. These are really needed very badly. We at the Native Women's Association of Canada started one of our own. We had to do it with the Bank of Montreal. We had to do it with private investments. We could not receive the infrastructure money. It's complicated to get infrastructure money. It's complicated to get operational money. Sometimes you get infrastructure money, and you don't get operational money, or you get operational money, and you don't get infrastructure money. Something has to be done about this.
The communities need healing centres. There are examples. There are even examples at the international level. Mexico, for example, has a model called Casa de la Mujer IndÃgena, their house of indigenous women. They are resourced. They are run by indigenous women themselves. These are the kinds of programs we need. If we could have some assistance with that, we would appreciate it. We can literally save lives this way. It's putting the communities in charge of their own healing process, their own path to healing, and safety and security.