In contrast to the other witnesses today, we are not coming with specific amendments. A lot of the elements in budget 2022 we saw as being favourable to innovation, but scarce on details. So we're very much here to advocate for them to be set up in the right way.
In terms of SR and ED, I think the program is too burdensome and too complicated. There is a lot of focus on hiring outside consultants just to navigate it. Practically speaking, if you are a company that is applying for a million dollars and it costs a hundred grand just to navigate that process and there's no guarantee that you will even receive it, there's less incentive to try something new and less incentive to innovate. That's really why our call is to streamline the program to make is simpler and to cover more expenses related to IP.
If you're speaking to the talent side of things, I think the programs we have now just aren't fast enough in terms of immigration. As a designated partner, we of course support the global talent stream, but are there ways to get more talent here faster? One of the ways we do that is by ensuring that the NOC codes that impact that program are updated more regularly and are more in line with the innovation ecosystem and market needs. There are a lot of different strategies, but we need to operate on every level that we can and use a talent lens.