First of all, thank you very much for the question.
Just to reiterate, on the GIS, because that's a point you have raised in the past and that the Bloc has also raised—the GIS and the CRB clawbacks—we recognize that this is a challenge and we recognize that we need to address it. It is pretty technically complicated, but we will address that challenge.
I also want to point out that I accept your core contention that there is an affordability challenge, especially for the most vulnerable Canadians. That is certainly true, and it's something that we're thoughtful about. It's one reason that it is a good thing that some of the benefits that go to the most vulnerable Canadians—the GIS, the CCB, the GST tax credit—are inflation linked. I think one piece of assurance that we can collectively offer to the most vulnerable Canadians is that the benefits they depend on are actually going to be linked to the costs they face in their lives.
I want to say one last thing because of your union background, if I may. I do really think the single most important thing for working people is to be able to work. That's why, if you had asked me at the beginning of the pandemic, what did I worry about the most, I would have told you it was the three million jobs lost. If you asked me today what the core thing is that I'm most worried about.... Actually, I would say the core thing is that we can't let COVID get a hold of us again. It's just too painful. It costs too much money and too many people die, but the second thing I'm the most worried about is getting jobs back.