Thank you, Mr. Chair.
As I have only two and a half minutes left, I'll ask my questions in succession.
My first question is about the new tax on certain luxury goods.
This tax will increase the federal government's revenue, but it will decrease provincial revenue because the number of sales will drop and the provincial sales tax on such goods will apply to a smaller tax base. I'd like confirmation that I've understood this properly.
My second question is about Bill C‑19. I'm afraid that the committee will not be able to fully study this mammoth bill of over 400 pages in length, and which includes many parts and divisions.
Do you and your team have any warnings for us, or anything they would like to point out to us, in connection with Bill C‑19? I don't know whether you've had enough time to examine the entire bill, and Part 5 in particular.
I'm thinking, for example, of division 9, which concerns the Special Import Measures Act and other areas. Do you think there are any dangers here?
Is division 15, which is about the Competition Act, put together coherently?
And what of division 16, in connection with the Copyright Act, and division 17, with respect to patents?
I'm also surprised to see, in a budget implementation bill, that there should be a mention of the Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act. That's in division 18.
And division 19 addresses prison strip searches.
Suggested amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Employment Insurance Act are also found in this bill.
Are you looking at all of that, because it's a budget implementation bill, or are you somewhat overwhelmed, as we are, by the scope of this bill?
Do you have any warnings for us?