As you pointed out, we did estimate the impact on sales from the introduction of a luxury sales tax on automobiles, vessels and aircraft, and we found that the bigger impact would be on vessels.
With the reduction in sales of vessels, we can expect a potential reduction in the manufacturing of these vessels, and aircraft to a lesser extent, and automobiles. However, we haven't done an economic study, because that would be a significant undertaking for a small office like ours, so it's not clear whether there would be a full substitution in exports for that loss of sales, or whether it would be mostly imports or domestically produced goods that would be suffering. It would probably be a mix, but we have not done that study.
However, it is clear that with a reduction in sales, there would inevitably be a reduction in the sales tax that would otherwise be collected. One can think about the GST, but there is also the provincial sales tax and the HST.
In a nutshell, at a high level, that's what we can expect: a reduction in sales of almost $2.9 billion over a five-year horizon, and a commensurate reduction in sales tax collected.