We don't have data specifically on CERB and its successors, and the potential amount that was paid by mistake or as a result of fraud, but I would think that CRA would quite easily have at least partial data, especially if they do some recoupment between what they paid and whether individuals who received CERB also had other types of benefits or were not eligible because, for example, they were in receipt of income from full-time jobs, old age security or the guaranteed income supplement.
It would be fairly easy for CRA to at least provide this committee with some partial data on the amount it anticipates or expects to have been paid in error or to people who were abroad, and all these payments that should not have been made. I'm a bit surprised to hear that CRA is not providing you with that information.
That's probably as much as I can say, not having received or asked for any data on CERB paid fraudulently or by mistake. That's probably as much as I can say.