First of all, I was worried when you asked me if I had anticipated that. I was worried you would blame me for that. Thankfully, you didn't.
In response to your question, it's not that difficult to provide these long-term expenditures, or at least an estimate of these long-term expenditures. We do that. We are a small office. As part of our fiscal sustainability report, we incorporate longer-term trends and projections when it comes to old age security, child benefits, equalization payments and transfers to provinces. It's not super-easy to do, but it's doable. In fact, it's good practice, and recognized by the OECD and other international institutions, that governments should provide or undertake that type of long-term projection to have an idea of whether their policies are putting the country's finances on a sustainable or unsustainable medium and longer-term track.
We do that on an annual basis. There's no reason that the Department of Finance and the government could not do the same.