I would like to thank the Bloc Québécois.
Holy smokes, what a great day for the Green Party and the Bloc Québécois! Solidarity!
I have a question for Steven Staples from the Canadian Health Coalition.
I want to say right now, because my constituents would want me to say it, that we have a crisis. I'm 68 and I don't have a doctor. My husband is 74 and he doesn't have a doctor. We don't have a family doctor, and I worry, because although we're really young and vigorous, there are older people who have to worry.
I don't believe that the problem of health care and the crisis are solely about money. One of the doctors in my riding uses this expression: “What's the bed-to-bureaucrat ratio?” Would you use your imagination to tell us how one might construct measurable indicators of how a province spends money to make sure that we reduce the bed-to-bureaucrat ratio?