Well, you mentioned off the top that you hadn't read my book. I invite you to, because I think that, like me, you would find some inspiration there. The task of what we did there in terms of both expenditures and the retooling of the economy and retraining of a workforce.... What we are up against now actually pales in comparison. What we did then actually presaged a couple of decades of the strongest economic performance in Canadian history. I would also say that what I'm talking about now actually pales in comparison to what we did not that long ago in that first year of the pandemic.
You're asking how we're going to pay for this. I think we would pay for this through some combination of tax increases on windfall profits and wealth, but also a role for the Bank of Canada.... In that first year of the pandemic, the Bank of Canada was buying up federal government securities to finance the emergency response to the tune of about $5 billion a week—