Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Caron, Mr. Tougas and Mr. Littler, thank you for joining us.
My questions are for Mr. Caron, but if Mr. Tougas wants to supplement his answers, please feel free to do so.
Mr. Caron, thank you for your very content-rich opening statement. You have submitted a lot of information. Please feel free to return to some of the points for further discussion as you see fit.
I want to come back to the topic of inflation. People are seeing food prices go up at the grocery store. Mr. Caron, your presentation was pretty clear: your input prices have gone up again. Necessarily, this is reflected in the price of groceries.
I was struck by a few statistics, especially the ones about input prices going up and the price of farmland, which has tripled in the last 10 years. It makes no sense.
You said there has been a lot of investment in the last few years to automate and to comply with animal welfare rules, as well as with new environmental standards. To calm inflation in general, the Bank of Canada's monetary policy is to increase interest rates. Farmers will be the first to be affected by this policy, as they are part of an industry where there is a lot of capital invested for every dollar of profit.
We know that our farmers work very hard. They don't often have it easy and they are often isolated. Many personal difficulties can arise from all of that.
In the current context, how is the morale of the troops, of your members, in the face of this inflationary crisis?