I think studies have been done showing that the cost of capital will increase for companies that are investment-grade and have defined benefit pension plans. We can provide those to you.
I would also say that a well-funded pension plan at a point in time is not necessarily an indication that the pension plan will always be well funded. Banks assess risk. They will assess this risk. It will add costs to the capital for defined benefit sponsors.
Let me just repeat that ACPM is for helping pensioners—just not in this way. The superpriority is the issue. We have suggested in our materials three concrete ways that parliamentarians can help pensioners. We urge the committee—because of the 1.2 million Canadians in defined benefit pension plans whose pensions should be valued as well—to study this issue further so that you can say with authority that there's no risk, or that in fact you're okay for five million...of this 1.2 million to lose their DB pension, and that's fine because it's the cost of this bill that you're accepting.
I don't think the studies have been done to assess that.