Look, small firms have mixed views on carbon taxes in general. Some support them in some provinces. In fact, more small businesses support than oppose them.
I would say that on average, though, if we're looking at our membership as a whole, there is opposition to a carbon tax in the way that it's currently structured. Even those who like the concept of a carbon tax, as our surveys show, hate the way it is being administered by Ottawa in the four provinces to which it applies right now, which we're worried may soon become six provinces, if rumours are correct. That is because for the carbon tax revenue, the only reason that some consumers are said to receive more money back than they actually pay in a self-funded program is that there are other consumers who get none or very little back from the carbon taxes they pay, and the largest group within that sector is small and medium-sized businesses.
The government did, to its credit, say that there would be some programs set up to provide some funding back to small firms to offset their costs from carbon taxes. If you can believe it, they allocated.... Even though small and medium-sized firms pay close to 50% of the carbon tax, 7% of the rebates were designed for small and medium-sized firms. Most damning of all, the 7% that was supposed to come back to small and medium-sized businesses never happened. Ottawa could not construct the programs. They fumbled the ball almost entirely, so virtually nothing has come back to small and medium-sized firms over the course of the previous rounds of the carbon tax.
It's one of the reasons why we're so worried about the dramatic increase. We haven't got the revenue shift correct, and that's putting huge pressure on small and medium-sized firms. It's one of the reasons why the tax as it's constructed is so detested.