First, I would focus on the recommendation in our report that proposes the creation of an appliance repair fund. We are talking about this because last week we revealed the results of a study we had launched to try to determine what was holding back repair of electronics and appliances. Repair does fit into that logic I was talking about, which is to reduce the cost of living for families across the country.
In fact, repair could reduce the costs to families, who must replace their electronics and appliances with increasing frequency. It is becoming less easy to repair these devices as they increasingly rely on technologies that make repair complex and expensive. Too often we hear that it costs more to repair devices than to replace them.
However, we believe that the life cycle of these devices can be extended. The government could intervene through regulations and taxation to help consumers keep their appliances longer and thus reduce their bills. In addition, extending the life cycle of appliances is good for the environment.
This is one of the things I wanted to bring to your attention.
Another thing to mention is fossil fuel subsidies. As we indicated in our brief, these expire in 2023. We expect the upcoming budget to mention the dissolving of fossil fuel subsidies that have been deemed ineffective and to lay out the roadmap to get there.