I'll answer your question. With regard to losing folks to the United States, I don't know, but I will tell you one thing. When I went to the States to work, every three years I had to get an L-1A visa. You can't go across the border and go to work just because you are a skilled trades folk. I think that is a non-starter of a concern. It's just not going to happen. You're going to get thrown in jail over there.
The second thing I would say is that we cannot live and make all decisions in fear of what might go on next. I drive a pickup truck. It doesn't mean that I couldn't speed or it doesn't mean that I couldn't drink. It doesn't mean any of these terrible things that I could do. No, I put my seat belt on, I drive the speed limit, I get to work and I come home. Just because there's an opportunity doesn't mean that people are going to do it.
Thank you, Chair.