First of all, if I may, since you mentioned dental and rental support, they say defeat is an orphan and victory has a thousand fathers, or maybe a thousand mothers, a thousand parents. I think that the rental support is much needed, and I'm glad we're able to provide it now.
When it comes to dental care, I think that is a historic measure and I'm glad we're able to co-operate with the NDP on providing it. I'm going to be really sincere for a minute. I think future generations of Canadians are going to look back on that and they are going to say, “Wow, we can't believe it took so long, and we're glad it's there”. That's certainly what I hear from people.
In terms of your specific question on home heating, I think the right approach is to provide targeted support to the Canadians who need it the most and to let them spend that money in the ways they choose to spend it.
We have been talking a lot about the need for fiscal responsibility. I take that very seriously. I think the funds available to us to support Canadians in these challenging times are necessarily finite. I think the best way to do it is to figure out who the people are who need support the most, to send the money directly to them and to let them make the choices as to how they spend that money.