These are not new recommendations from the International Monetary Fund. These are part of best practices in accountability. I haven't done a comprehensive review of what other countries are doing in the G7, G20 or even the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development (OECD). I don't believe Canada is the worst country, but I don't think it's the best either in terms of the amount of time it allows between fiscal year end and releasing its financial statements.
On the other hand, I know that a good number of provinces are capable of doing a better job than the federal government. I've heard officials say that the federal government publishes many more pages than the provinces: that's true, but the federal government also has many more officials than the provinces to do the same job.
Therefore, the federal government could do a much better job when it comes to accountability. It would help you do a better job as parliamentarians. You would know what the deficit or surplus is for the previous fiscal year when the year is well under way for you. This also applies to the departmental results reports, which you and I have yet to receive: it's almost December and the year is coming to a close.