Thank you for that question.
Let me begin by saying I think the global talent stream is an initiative that has helped our industry tremendously. CCI is actually a designated referral partner in that program, so it's something we interact with all the time.
In terms of ameliorating that program, I would say increasing the thresholds in terms of the amount of skilled talent we can bring into Canada would be very helpful. To speak to some of our recommendations, we're also looking at other strategies whereby we can have skilled talent come to Canada without a job offer on what is known as a high potential tech talent visa. This is something other countries have implemented quite well. The idea is to really bolster the labour density in these communities. The more you bring this high tech talent into these communities and bring that connective tissue, the more likely they are to embed themselves in our SMEs.
I would also say we would love to see federal leadership in terms of convening research institutions and the provinces and territories and bringing people together to have a national summit around high-tech talent.