I guess I could say a few things on supply issues.
Many of the supply issues that have affected particularly goods' prices are global in nature. They have certainly been more intense and more persistent than we had expected, but I am pleased to report that they are working their way out. You can see in the monetary policy report a number of graphs that show shipping costs and delivery times. They are looking, maybe not quite normal yet, but much more normal than they've looked for some time.
The other aspect of that is that we've seen the demand for goods, largely with the increases in interest rates, especially larger goods, things like houses, furniture and appliances, which people often buy on credit.... Those are some of the first places you see higher interest rates feeding through the economy. They've been slowing, so with slower demand and better supply, you have seen goods' prices roll over.
With respect to your specific questions about taxes and carbon taxes, those are built into our projection. Yes, they have effects. Those are built into our projection.