You're correct that the report included a wide range of recommendations. I think there were 15 recommendations, and you're correct that one recommendation was to create a sustainable finance action council.
There were a number of other recommendations in there that related to what we've been talking about here today: the creation of financial market infrastructure to support the growth of a sustainable finance market. Climate disclosures, green and transition investment standards, climate data—those were areas on which the expert panel had recommendations. Those are areas that are in the core mandate of the sustainable finance action council.
I would add that some of the other expert panel recommendations went beyond financial market infrastructure and went into what I might call sectoral policy areas such as infrastructure, electricity and clean technology. Those areas, I think Robert and I would say, are a bit beyond our expertise. Those are getting into broader economic policy.
In budget 2022, the government did add an element to SFAC's mandate, which is to look at net-zero capital allocation strategies. I think in doing this work, the SFAC is going to look at some of those financial sectors and ask how they can mobilize capital into infrastructure and how they can mobilize capital into electricity. It will get into that a bit, but some of those expert panel recommendations are a bit broader.
I think the expert panel also recommended that Canada map its economic plan to net zero. That was a very broad recommendation that is probably more in the ambit of the net-zero advisory body I mentioned a bit earlier.