Yes. Thank you.
What you're touching on, I think, has broader links to incentives for climate policy and to helping accelerate investment and action. The portfolios of insurance companies are being affected by the physical climate impacts, so they have, as you are saying, this natural incentive to begin to take into account risks.
In addition, many countries are requiring disclosure on climate-related risks.
I'm glad you brought up incentives, because we see globally, in our work on carbon pricing at the OECD, that generally the level of carbon pricing needed to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets is insufficient. Of course, countries use many different policies to get there, but generally there needs to be increased ambition.
In the area of transition finance, that would be completely new. The question of what incentives exist for companies in emissions-intensive sectors to develop credible transition plans and to actually make these investments and secure financing is, I think, a very relevant question for policy-makers and a gap that currently exists.