That's fair enough.
I would like to read you the quote, just so you know where the Parliamentary Budget Officer is coming from. He said, “every single time we have an interaction with [the CRA], we get incomplete information. It has to be vetted before sending us aggregate tax information.”
I think under some circumstances, when they're asking for anonymized data, which would not identify a particular tax filer in the aggregate, they're having some challenges in using section 241. I'll leave that with you to maybe contemplate as you're thinking about how to better collaborate with our Parliamentary Budget Officer.
I was happy to see the recent news release about the underused housing tax. There was some leniency given to this year's filing. We have heard a lot of feedback from taxpayers about how difficult and potentially confusing it is.
There's one thing I would like to leave with you as a suggestion. If you file a return one year, you should only need to file a return once for a property, until that property is sufficiently disposed of or the control of that property changes. Requiring taxpayers to fill out a form every year seems significantly onerous. It would keep with the principle and spirit of the idea, but not unduly require a burden on taxpayers.
Mr. Chair, I believe I'm done. Thank you.