Thank you for your question.
Actually, we are currently working on numerous audits relating to various leaks from the Panama Papers, the Paradise Papers and the Pandora Papers.
On our website, we have statistics that we update regularly. The most recent statistics on the data leak relating to the Panama Papers are dated December 2022, and I can send them to the committee.
We have completed 280 audits. We have recovered assessments of $77 million in taxes and penalties, and 140 audits are underway.
With respect to criminal investigations, we have actually initiated five. Two are still underway and three have been closed. No charges have yet been laid.
I have figures for the Paradise Papers as well.
I would also like to clarify that in the Panama Papers data leak, 900 Canadian taxpayers, including individuals, businesses and trusts, were identified. However, it is important to note that the mere fact that a name appears on the list does not necessarily mean that the taxpayer breached their tax obligations. In the case of the Panama Papers, 60% of the taxpayers had complied with their obligations.
For the Paradise Papers, we have completed our review of all the taxpayers. We have closed 30 audits and recovered assessments of $1.8 million in taxes and penalties, and 25 audits are underway.
For the Pandora Papers, the most recent data leak, we have identified 400 Canadian taxpayers. We are in the process of doing our risk assessment. In that case, we have initiated four audits and the work is continuing.