I can answer you regarding businesses.
We currently have an audit program in place. The first step is to do a risk assessment. To do that, we have access to various sources of data and to the information we have. We also have tools for assessing the business information risk that enable us to evaluate those sources of information in order to determine the risk.
Once we have an idea of that, we can construct our audit plans. We started auditing very early on, in the case of the program for businesses. We began a first phase in August 2020. We used that first phase to learn more about the type of question, about non-compliance we were seeing, in order to build the second phase, which was launched in November 2021 and is still underway. We are in the process of concluding the first year and we will be starting the second shortly, in a few days.
It is a process based on a risk assessment, to make sure our resources are deployed in the right places. That process also enables us to learn and adjust our plans as time goes on. We are ready to make the results of these efforts public as they relate to employers.