Governor, I was going to ask about that argument next, but you made it earlier, so pardon me for interrupting. My time is limited.
Essentially, what you're saying now is that, well, government spending isn't making the problem any worse right now, but it's not making it any better. It seems to me that fiscal and monetary policies should work together. In our last discussion, you said you had assurances that the government wasn't planning on working at cross-purposes with you. Now we have credible economists like Mr. Holt saying that government spending has directly contributed to high interest rates.
You said that while inflation is coming down, it's not job done. I think you said in your statement that it's not job done and that interest rates could go up even higher.
I'll ask you this again. You keep saying that fiscal policy isn't your responsibility, but it affects your job. You must have an opinion on it.