I want to thank all of you for the very thorough answers to some technical questions and also some questions that probably didn't apply to the matters at hand.
I don't know how to ask this, Mr. Chair, but given the dense nature of the bill, if there's agreement from my colleagues.... I don't want to do a motion on this, but if there's agreement from officials or colleagues.... I think in the past there's been some understanding that, only for technical questions that pertain specifically to the bill, questions posed in writing could be followed up on at a future date while the study is still going on. I don't want to inundate people with questions, but we just got this last week, so there could be a technical question about a particular section that comes up three days from now while we're still doing the prestudy and officials are no longer going to be coming to appear. If we could get an agreement.... Is that okay with folks? Is that something we agree with: that we can pose written questions to officials throughout the study?