Thanks for that question.
Within the BIA context you'll see that one of the functions outlined for the corporation is explicitly that it will promote the development and retention of intellectual property.
As far as the specifics on the how, it's not within the legislation. You can look at the blueprint document that was released for some indication of how we think it may make sense for it to materialize in the corporation. Ultimately, that will be up to the CEO, the chair and the board as they develop and roll out those programs.
There are some specific ideas. We talked about the asset collective. These are examples of things that make sense, but it's really just the education and awareness up front for Canadian businesses as they think about R and D. Before they even undertake the R and D, have they thought about a path to making sure it can be retained in Canada and that the economic potential and value is realized in Canada?
These are at the forefront of the policy thinking on the corporation.