You met me and my kids in the elevator. My kids were at the end of the day and were wrangling a little, but you were incredibly kind to them, and I'm sure you've made a memory for them. Thank you for that.
It's that very issue that I want to talk to you a bit about.
I come from the riding of Northumberland—Peterborough South, right on the 401. If you're driving between Toronto and Ottawa, you'll go through our riding. We have a number of food banks in our riding. You can look at the numbers—1.5 million across Canada—but I've been to those food banks and I've seen children there. It's not a pretty picture of where Canada is.
You've pointed out a number of times that the economy is roaring and it's great. Do you not see some of the issues that are forecast in your own budget? You forecast that 300,000 Canadians will lose their job this year and that inflation will still stay relatively high, at over 4%.
We also have structural problems in our economy with respect to productivity decreasing. We also have the OECD predicting our per capita GDP growth to be 0.7%, which will be the lowest in all of the OECD.
I would love to share your optimism, but do you not also share some of concerns that we have, as we have record food bank usage, forecast unemployment increases and structural challenges, such as our productivity and innovation gap?