But I will share the reason why.
The other day—and I have been known to heckle a couple of times in the House. The other day—I think it was yesterday—on one of the government's answers there was massive applause by all opposition parties, including, I believe, the Green Party. After one of the questions the minister gave an answer. I won't name the minister, but I heckled, “I don't think you've read the room.” I know it's hard to read the room when so many are on video, but I just wanted to make sure that everyone—and I appreciate the vote of confidence that you're all interested in what I'm saying, so I will continue. I appreciate that.
In "Open and Accountable Government, 2015", on page 1 after the Roman numerals, the title is “Ministerial Responsibility and Accountability”.
I'm sure the translators have that. I would like to just read so the people watching can understand what this government committed to in terms of ministerial responsibility and accountability. It's what they committed to, but as with this government, there are a lot of inputs and very little output. This is another example.
In our search called “finding Freeland” we turned to this document. The first paragraph reads,
Ministers of the Crown are chosen by the Prime Minister and along with him constitute the Ministry. They all serve at the pleasure of the Prime Minister. Government policy is established by the Cabinet. The Ministry together helps carry out the mandate of the government.
Ministers of the Crown
—as the ministers are known, by that formal term—
are responsible and accountable to the Prime Minister and
—this is a crucial “and”—
Parliament in two fundament ways: