We could invite them both. I've never met the former first lady. It would be an interesting discussion.
Believe it or not, the second hour.... One hour is, I think, what the minister might perhaps sometime be willing to do, maybe before or after the amendments happen. It is the Minister of Finance's budget bill we're discussing, but she has a second hour at the convention, and I'm sure all my Liberal friends will be there with rapt attention to hear her presentation on the budget bill and how she is spending it.
I'm told, surprisingly, her presentation to the Liberal convention will not be on whether or not she comes to this committee. It will not be on whether or not her budget of $130 billion of more debt to our national debt will be there. It will not be about the sad legacy of the Trudeau family in contributing $1.1 trillion to Canada's debt. Unfortunately, that's not the title of the thing. The session, apparently, is every sort of mixed bag acronym thing that you can put in about how we succeed in the future world of innovation, green economy and every other sort of woke title.
I'm sure it will be fascinating. I think it's going to take 10 minutes just to read the title of that session, so be prepared.
If you go to that session as a Liberal member of Parliament, because I'm sure there will be some there, could you ask some of our questions for us? I would really appreciate it. I know we get some observers there, but I don't believe they will allow us at the microphones at that session.
Could they ask the Minister of Finance, would they please ask the Minister of Finance, if she could spare a dime...no, sorry, spare two hours for poor parliamentarians to defend her $490-billion budget this year? Could she spare a little time for us? Now, if you're not willing to ask that, then perhaps you could ask her about this budget—about how all of this spending, putting future generations into debt, works.
By the way, if the Minister of Industry is there.... I did run into him in the hall earlier today. As I've said, he's an effervescent fellow—