Thank you, Chair.
Welcome to everyone and also to those of you joining us online.
It's a very sobering discussion here this afternoon. We argue about a lot of things and there are lots of big problems going on, but I think they all pale in comparison to what some of the clients who are visiting you folks on a regular basis are going through.
I want to pick up on and make a comment about predatory lending.
Cardus, which is a think tank based in Ottawa, did a paper a few years ago that showed that, just by walking in the door to one of these facilities, you are 30% to 40% more likely to claim bankruptcy—just by walking in the door. I think there's a long discussion that has to be had about the right way to provide supports to those individuals who need income assistance. I'm always interested in what some potential, unintended consequences are of really over-regulating a space.
There's obviously a need for income assistance. What should that look like? There is no question that support for those individuals.... We need to come up with a better way. I would encourage you to take a look at that report. It's very well done.
I think there was a request or maybe an acknowledgement that you were going to send some information to the committee. I'll ask you to include, if you have the data, those individuals who are what we'll call the working poor, those who have T4 income or any income, really, who are also accessing your facility. I think that would help us think about those individuals. Most people believe, I think incorrectly, that if you have a job, you're fine. Obviously, from the testimony I hear today, that is not the case.
I open the questions to both of the food bank representatives.
In addition, I think I heard that housing is a driver and food costs are a driver. Are there other social determinants or other factors that you see that contribute significantly? They could be anything. It could be the breakdown of a household or mental health issues. Are there other ones that you would put on that list in addition to housing and food costs?