I appreciate that you said we have the power to do something about this and that you're turning to us. In fact, I tried.
You may be aware, or not, of my private member's bill, which I introduced after the 2021 election, or reintroduced. It would have waived the capital gains tax for the sale proceeds on the donation of private company shares and real estate to charities across the country, including food banks.
Don Johnson, by the way, who is a major Toronto philanthropist that you may know of, was the inspiration for this idea. I certainly worked with him to try to get it across the finish line. It would have raised about $200 million a year or a billion dollars for charities across the country, had it passed Parliament.
I have to thank my colleagues in the Bloc, and of course, my caucus colleagues in the Conservative Party. Unfortunately, the NDP and the Liberals voted against it and defeated my bill, so you can see my frustration. I think that would have helped a lot.
Those are my questions, Mr. Chair.