Thank you very much for the question. I appreciate Mr. Blaikie's question as well about identifying the recipient of the supply.
The officials—we've listened to the testimony—have consistently said, “Well, with the blockchain, you can't identify who's transferring; therefore, the GST rules can't apply.” For every member of our coalition, I have a contract, and I can identify exactly who they are selling their services to. They're selling their services to non-resident mining pools. Their services are allowing their computing resources to be used by those non-resident mining pools.
As has been emphasized, the reason I know this is bad GST law is that if this industry doesn't get an exemption, businesses in Quebec and Atlantic Canada will incur a 15% additional cost in their operations in Quebec and Atlantic Canada, where it's clean hydroelectric power. They are incentivized to move their businesses—taking all the computing services, the electricity and everything else—to Alberta, my home province, where they will incur only 5% non-recoverable GST on those costs, or move outside of Canada completely.
I know there are concerns about electricity and the amount of power the bitcoin network uses, but the very next thing, which takes even more, is AI. These organizations have brought high-speed Internet to the rural communities they serve. They are employing individuals with high-paying, sophisticated jobs to maintain these networks. My challenge is.... I've asked the officials who have testified in front you. I have walked them through and said, what am I missing in terms of the explanation? It's the non-residents of Canada—those non-resident mining pools that they're selling their services to—that are receiving the transfer fees from the transfer orders on this nebulous thing called the Bitcoin network. The Canadians are being side-swiped by this legislation.
As my friend noted, the legislation was drafted when Mr. Morneau was still the minister of finance. What's been presented and brought forward is first, legislation in February of last year, now revised based in part on our comments. The Finance officials say they recognize that there needs to be an exemption. We're asking for a very simple exemption that provides clarity for the sector: If you are a Canadian and you have a server farm with a whole bunch of computers, and you're selling your computing resources to a non-resident of Canada, let the normal GST rules apply. You get your input tax credits. You can recover the GST on your expenses, like every other exporter in Canada. That exemption is provided. In that circumstance there's no incentive for anyone to move from Quebec or from Newfoundland and Labrador to Alberta.