Thank you. I'll wait until you put yourself on mute.
First, to the bipartisan agreement on an issue, I too believe that Mr. Baker has Hollywood good looks. I would agree with the chair on that. You can clip that and put that in the latest Liberal ad, if you wish.
With respect to that, I have to respond, if just briefly, with respect to latitude, as if power comes from the chair or from this Liberal government. It does not. You guys are not my boss. The Canadian people and the people of Northumberland are who I get my marching orders from. They're who I get instructions from. It's not from the Liberal government. My power does not come from you. It comes from the people. I am here as their representative, and I owe no one an apology for speaking for them.
I will continue to speak truth to power for as long as I am able. You can count on that.
We were talking about it, and I also would ask that the chair or the clerk cite anywhere in the rules that says a speaker cannot read from, revise or look at a report when asking questions or giving testimony. I'll give you the answer. It's not there. There is no rule or authority that says I cannot read from a report. If you can find a precedent otherwise, I will be happy to stand down. Until then, I will cite the report.
In the province of Alberta, when a first parent's income is $45,000 and the second parent's is—