Thank you so much, and you say my last name very well, Mr. Chair, so thank you.
I see a couple of other colleagues after me and I would stop talking, just for the record, if we were going to go for a vote, but I do see Mr. Redekopp and Mr. Chambers who would like to speak as well. I'm just going to repeat something. I just want to reiterate to everyone around the table that there's no victory lap that is happening on this side. Again, as I said, I don't think there's one member of Parliament, no matter of what political stripe, who doesn't understand how difficult these times are right now.
I think there was a question from Mr. Chambers that asked whether the government will want to be held accountable, and what I wanted to say is that we have shown that we want to always be accountable. Our deputy prime minister has been before our committee five times now, I believe. I think she will absolutely be coming before the committee a number of other times in the coming days, weeks or months, as is appropriate.
The other thing I was going to indicate is that I felt that Mr. Blaikie made a very good suggestion. He said that we don't do very well at committee in discussing amendments. If we felt we needed some more time to discuss this amendment off-line and come to an agreement outside of this meeting, I think that is also an option.
With that, I'll just pass the floor along. I always have more to say, but again I think we're all trying to look for some sort of resolution, and I will say to you that there is nobody on this side who thinks that Canadians are not struggling. I want to reiterate that we have put a number of measures in place to try to alleviate some of the stress, to provide some additional dollars and put them into the pockets of Canadians to provide some relief and provide some support. We're always open to the best ideas that are out there. I think it should always be the case that we should always get together as many times as possible to discuss the best ideas about what more we can do to support Canadians.
With that, Mr. Chair, I will take down my hand and pass the floor to the next speaker.