Very good.
Also, you had mentioned the key issue of addressing the long-term marine service fees. You had started up that committee again. My report should be coming to me in a couple of moments, but I have a list, and of all the people who are associated in that consultative group, there is nobody from the north of 60 as part of that group.
As you know, the far north, especially Nunavut, has been arguing against these fees for quite some time. Mr. Chairman, you may or may not know that when a ship comes from say Amsterdam and goes to the north, there are no fees charged for that, but when a ship comes from Montreal and goes north, there are fees charged for that. The people in the north have been asking for quite some time to have these fees eliminated so they can encourage economic development in the far north.
I couldn't help but notice there's nobody from the north as part of this panel. Can you explain why that is?