We've been in conflict with the fishery department and the fishing industry for well over a hundred years, since we've been stripped of the right to partake economically in the fishery. We've fought for it. Our community never did stop fighting, and a lot of our members never did stop selling fish.
I think a lot of the changes that have been made in the last ten or fifteen years within the Department of Fisheries and the fishery program have been a direct result of a lot of the conflict that Cheam has entered into with the department over changes that we see as necessary in the fishery program. There isn't one fishery official who will deny that the changes that were made haven't improved the fishery, haven't provided benefit for all sectors of the fishery. In what we have struggled for, the changes that have been made have benefited everybody.
You talk about flexibility. We're not looking for flexibility. We're looking for equity in the fishery. We feel we deserve a part of that fishery.