I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I would assume that as a person employed by the Cheam Band, if they're catching x number of pounds of fish for food, social, and ceremonial purposes, and if there are individuals who are not sanctioned by the band but who are circumventing that particular rule, that would be of concern to everybody. What happens then is that you have DFO and non-aboriginal groups and other aboriginal groups, like the Native Brotherhood, saying to back the truck up here because we have a bit of a problem.
If this fish is intended for a certain purpose, then it should not be sold. If there is an opinion about getting into the commercial fishery, then that is a debate that needs to happen, as Chester Douglas indicated. If the Cheam Band wishes to get into the commercial fishery, as he had indicated, then that is something that is debatable. But right now, if individuals are selling fish out of the back of a truck illegally, be they aboriginal or non-aboriginal, shouldn't DFO do everything they can to stop that activity?