That's a good question. The sports fishermen are concerned because from their perspective they have an important fishery that harvests some species of groundfish. For example, there's a halibut fishery on the west coast and there are other groundfish fisheries on the west coast where recreational fishermen harvest groundfish species. What they're concerned about is the fact that they want to allow their fishery to grow, to increase. They're worried that a commercial integrated groundfish fishery will make it more difficult for their fishery to grow. Their fear is that over time the commercial integrated groundfish fishery will affect the ability of the recreational fishery to increase its participation and to increase its catch. So that's an issue they have and one we're discussing with them.
As the minister noted in his decision, he said this is a reform of the commercial fishery; it is not designed to deal with intersectoral allocation issues. So that has been our response to the recreational fishermen. But their fear or their concern is, as I've noted, that they want to grow their fishery, they want to increase their catch, and they're worried that the integrated commercial fishery will make it more difficult for that to happen.