Exactly. That's what I'm saying. These kinds of things need to be addressed. It's a safety issue also, along with interfering with your work.
On the competition factor that Mr. Aylward talked about, I realize that in some instances it falls under the province. And I'm a strong believer in making sure there's strong competition, especially when the person is in the boat. If these rules come in in 2008, how would you suggest that be addressed to make sure the fishermen have competition at the end of the wharf when they arrive with their load of seals, or whatever the case may be? If we're only going to be down in this case to maybe two buyers, how do you determine it?
The processor needs to make money, the fisherman needs to make money, and from the standpoint of the province, you're trying to get as much work in the communities in the provinces as we can. Everybody would like to do that too, but there's always this gap between the fisherman on the water trying to make a living and the expenses incurred and so on. I'd like you to address that. How do you suggest we deal with it before it becomes the issue it's going to become in 2008? Because if we eliminate the competition to a point where there's going to be a problem, then everything else falls from that.