I think the fishermen should get the best first opportunity at the harvest, but I don't think the recreational should be eliminated altogether. They should be in a different category from the full-time fisherman. There should probably be a certain amount for recreation, separate from the commercial. That's the way I would see it. That would probably eliminate a lot of the overruns that we're getting too. If you have probably 5,000 or 8,000 seals for an area for recreation—
I think some of those recreational sealers that we're talking about have been sealing just as long as me or Rene or anybody else. But they are recreational. They have other jobs, which is why they're called recreational hunters. But if you look on their licence, they're full-time sealers, they're certified sealers, the same as anybody else.
So they shouldn't be eliminated, but they should be put in another category. If they're making a living from the sea, it's a seal fishery and a seal hunt.
Now, there's something, too. That's another thing, Scott. Some say “seal fishery” and some say “seal hunt”.