I don't think that stability booklet is really going to change it. I think for the present and the future, for all new vessels built, there should be very tight regulations on it. But if it can't pass the test for stability, then I'm basically out of the fisheries. I don't know if the stability will do it.
I look at the space shuttle program in the States. They have the best technology, they're not short on money, they have the best equipment, and they devise a shuttle that, when it goes up, blows up, and probably does that with a stability test. If you've got a stability test, it's not going to ensure that you're not going to have an accident. It probably will help, but it's up to the operator of that boat. If he's going to defy weather, overload the boat, stability test or not, he's going to get into trouble. I operate my boat on my own knowledge and my experience and hope to hell that with my experience and my knowledge I make the correct decisions.