We are discussing international trade. Earlier on, we made a short presentation. I always wonder whether or not the politician who is going to represent me supports the hunt or not. It has gotten to that point. In Ottawa, when Céline Hervieux-Payette spoke out, she was reprimanded. We have to face reality.
This disinformation is being put out everywhere. There is a flood of it in all countries. That is why I find the fight so arduous and why we will have to be courageous and provide the right information, even here in our own country, to those who represent us.
I went to Quebec City. I had gone to buy a sports jacket because we had a meeting. One person I was chatting with was quite surprised to learn that baby seals were hunted here in our own backyard.
Our politicians are not well informed. That is the problem. It's one of the biggest problems. Our politicians are not really well informed of the validity of the hunt. We see it because it shows. This is a very irritating factor for the Canadian government when spring time arrives. We feel it in our gut. We do not dare stand up or say anything at all, and we are anxious for those three weeks to be behind us. It is tiresome for the Canadian government, because the propaganda has reached that level.
I talked about a flood. What they did was serious. They paid our people here to skin seals alive. That was done, it served its purpose and because it paid off. They continued to do it. Everyone swallowed what was said about the white coats. I went to the open air base. Later on, I will ask you what your impressions were. This morning we went to the outdoor centre, where the hunt and the tools were explained a bit. There was discussion of hakapiks, etc. Then, we went to see a slide presentation. I would be curious to know how, over all, you felt after that show. Did you come away with the idea that the white coat is very cute?
These are the kinds of factors that can always come into play. We want to hunt. The little white coat and the visitors with their cameras are all very nice; we saw that this morning. I would like to hear what your impressions are on this issue. What impression did you get? There is the hunt, and there are the white coats. The observers are Japanese tourists, people from IFAW and the humane society.
I would really like to know what your impressions were following this morning's meeting.