Thank you for those answers, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for offering to provide them to me in writing.
I don't think I got an answer to my question, though, about where exactly these markets are. I want to be clear as to what the picture is, as to where seal products from Canada go and what they are used for.
Secondly, you yourself raised an interesting point about global warming and the ice conditions changing and the ice actually retreating. I had some direct evidence of that on holiday in the Rockies, in walking up a glacier that has retreated by about two miles in the last 40 to 50 years. But because, as I understand it--and as I say, I'm not an expert in this field--the seals need the ice in order basically to give birth and for the youngsters to thrive originally, what studies have you done on the effect the retreat of the ice fields is having on the birth of the seal population, and does that influence decisions about quotas?
Finally, could I just be clear on your answer? You say that although there were variations in the TAC in different parts, the overall TAC was not exceeded, that this brought it on schedule.