Mr. Keddy, may I comment on this, too?
I'd like to point out that the halibut fishery has also had a problem with the sport catch increasing at its expense, and there's been a 12% cap put on the sport catch of halibut. The same lodges that target spring salmon on the west coast of the Charlottes also target halibut, and they've been given a 12% cap. We've been given a promise by the minister that they'll be held to that, which the halibut fishermen are very happy about. We really need something like this with the sport fishery's allocation.
The trouble is, and John said it in his presentation, without allocation, the different user groups fight over the resource, and they don't look after conservation. And in the case of the commercial sport fishing industry, they have no motivation to be worried about conservation, because they just keep taking away from us. If we are all given a set piece of the pie, then we will be much better at looking after the resource. And we need to look after the resource.
Thank you.